New scientific discovery finds secret to...
Fight Sexual Decline in Men Over 40
and reclaim their manhood...
Testosterone, libido, energy and overall confidence to satisfy your partner and excel in your career!
The pounding, moaning & other signs of intimacy coming from the neighbor’s walls kept me & my wife up all night…
...and these noises were coming from an 80-year-old couple.
This presentation is for you if..
  • You’re looking for a return to stiff erections on demand with an adventurous and pleasurable sex life for both you and your partner, again. 

  • You’re ready to discover the easiest way to erase fat, pack on muscle, and keep the hair that’s on your head.

  • You want to return to the energy, enthusiasm, and stamina of your youth.
Because in the next few minutes I’m going to share how you can experience the feelings of lust and desire like a teenager again.
I’m also going to share the secret to getting back the burst of confidence and ambition you felt as a young man, giving you a boost in your career (and everything else in life).
You’ll become the center of attention again.
(if you want).
Your partner will be shocked and amazed at how sexual and excited you are about life.

Finally feeling like a man, looking like a man...
...and being treated like one too!
Best of all, you’ll look in the mirror and see the man that you know you were capable of your whole life.

The man of power, confidence, and purpose.
Tell me how many of these currently apply to you or have applied to you?
You find yourself…
  • Gaining more and more excess body fat, increasing the risk of other potential health problems and soon getting to a point of no return.

  • Feeling lethargic with no motivation, with hardly any desire to get up and start the day.

  • Looking in the mirror and not recognizing the person that you see.

  • Worried that you’ll no longer be able to satisfy your partner..
If any of these apply to you, listen up...
It’s important to understand it’s NOT your fault if you’re suffering and humiliated by these issues.

It’s not your fault you feel stuck.

Even if you’ve tried everything you can think of to deal with it…

This “Life-Changing Sexual Decline Disease” is serious, and has been keeping you trapped regardless of anything you try.

If you’re fed up with noticing your wife’s not looking at you the same way, with doubt in her eyes from the pain of blaming herself for your impotence...
Then I’m more than certain this secret remedy will be
the final solution you’ll need.
Once you have the knowledge of what I’m about to tell you... you’ll hold the key in your hands to feeling like the man you know is still deep inside.
Stay here with me for the next few minutes and I’ll tell you the story of how this Life-Changing Sexual Decline Disease almost destroyed my sex drive, my job and everything else that made me “me!”

Even though my doctors told me it was “just part of getting older”.
I’ll show you each ingredient and explain how they saved my confidence and manhood.

Plus you’ll see the scientific proof behind it all!

This story is a bit embarrassing for me to tell, but it will potentially turn your sex life upside down! 

You won’t know what hit you!
I'm almost too ashamed of what I went through to tell this story, but I’m only sharing this to help so that you never EVER have to experience something like this for yourself.
Because never in my life I would’ve thought I’d be jealous of the sex life of an 80-year-old couple.
Until this happened…
...and then I couldn’t take it!

The screams and moans of pleasure coming from the walls next door were so loud...

...we couldn’t sleep all night.

Even with pillows over our ears!

You won’t believe how my wife and I ended up in this situation.
So let’s backtrack to the most humiliating day of my adult life…
My name is Peter Kraft, I’m now 52-years-old
My wife Jenny and I had one of those relationships that you hear about in the movies.

We met when we were in high school, and I know it’s a cliche, but she was a cheerleader and I was the captain of the football team.
We fell madly in love.

And everything was fine after we got married... until it wasn’t.

I still remember that first time that “it” happened.

I was 48, and she said,
“It’s okay, it happens to everyone.”
But “it” hadn’t happened to me before.
Yet, that wasn’t the worst.
It continued to happen, until we stopped trying in the bedroom altogether.
I felt like a failure, and it was beyond embarrassing.

But things didn’t stop there.

I liked to toss the ball around with the guys once a month.

We competed for who was buying dinner.

Let’s just say I hadn’t paid in years.

Now, all of a sudden, I couldn’t even throw the ball straight.
What was wrong with me?
I had no energy, and I was even losing my edge at work.

I barely recognized myself anymore.

I stopped going to the gym, and I got that “dad bod” that I was ashamed of, as I watched my hairline go further and further back, too.

And then things with Jenny just got worse and worse.
You don’t go from craving your wife’s body three times a day to feeling dead down there… not without something being wrong.
And my wife… she thought it was her.
She thought I didn’t love her anymore, or wasn’t attracted to her.

How could I tell her that it was my fault… when I didn’t even know what the heck was going on?

But let me go to the day that I knew something was happening to my body… to my mind… to the man that I used to be.
It all started 4 years ago in May.

Quite possibly the most disappointing day of my adult life.
My boss called me into his office after lunch.
“Peter, we’re behind schedule. When I gave you that raise, it came with responsibilities.

Your numbers are slipping, and I’ve had two accounts cancel this quarter alone. Did I make a mistake promoting you?.”
My mind had been in a fog lately.

I felt so tired and unmotivated.

I didn’t care about making the leader board.

I had a ton of unanswered emails just sitting in my inbox.
And when I looked at my bonus check… 
My heart sank. What bonus?
There was no way I could build that deck that Jenny had been hoping for.

Just one more letdown. One more failure.
I left work and just felt.. Like I was nothing.

I mean, guys who had been there less than a year made triple the bonus I got.

All day long I thought about how I could fix it.
I felt like a true, living failure.
I used to be at the top of my game. What happened?

I used to be excited about life, driven and motivated. Now? Not a chance!
Jenny met me at the door… anxiously waiting to see if I made enough to do the landscaping, too.

She wrapped her arms around me and tried to tell me that it was going to be okay.
One thing led to another, and I thought we might give it a try in the bedroom.

Big mistake.

It was like… nothing was going on down there.

And it only made the night worse.

She felt bad, and I felt even worse.
So I decided it was time to make the super embarrassing call and talk to my doctor, and he said...
...this stuff happens with age.
But it wasn’t happening to my friends that I knew of.

And it really crept up on me.

I didn’t see the signs until it was too late.

When things didn’t work, or my erections stopped being so hard, I thought maybe it was because I was tired or had a bad day at work.
I mean, who can have sex when you’re trying to crunch numbers in your head?
So we went to a cabin to really “get in the mood.”

She put on that black dress that I love and wore her hair down.

That usually does it.

But not this time.

No matter what she did, nothing seemed to do the trick.
I sat outside on the deck and wondered what was going to happen.
  • Was she going to give up and leave me?
  • Find someone who still had all of his working parts?
  • Be swept away by someone who could actually still earn a bonus check?
I never thought this would happen to me.
Not to me.
She came outside and told me that it was okay… it really was.

But then her bottom lip trembled.
“Do you not think I’m pretty anymore? Am I doing something wrong?”
And that did it.

Not only did “I” feel like this, but now I was making my wife feel like I wasn’t attracted to her anymore.

I told her it wasn’t true.

But I caught her looking in the mirror the next morning with doubt in her eyes.

I did that to her.
Was I ever going to feel like a man again?
A man who could please his wife, excel at work and manage not to look like someone off a sad comedy TV show?
I just couldn’t imagine her staying with me.

Men looked at her everywhere we went.

Maybe one day, she’d look back.

And it would be no one’s fault but my own.

I was terrified knowing that I couldn’t fix it no matter what I tried.

And worst of all, after my doctor told me this was all just a part of getting older...
...I seriously thought this was how I’d be stuck for the rest of my life!
It was at this moment I said to myself…

What if this was it? The rest of my life until what… I died? Alone and half a man?

And I thank God every day that I found the way out.
A few days after the nightmare, from out of nowhere my Uncle Max called me.
Max was working on a Habitat for Humanity project down in Honduras, where he said the beaches were just beautiful out on the island of Roatan.

Now that he was 75 and pretty much retired, he basically just oversaw the operations and spent his downtime on the beach.
After I told him about not being able to build the deck for Jenny, he offered to come out and show me how to do it for half the price, with his construction connections.

But first, he wanted us to come out and stay with him in Honduras for a few days.

I didn’t know a whole lot about Honduras, but he had me at the word “beach.”

We flew in and took a bus out to the village where Max was staying.
He had a friend over who cooked us an authentic Honduran dinner, and we were so full that we were ready to unpack in our room and drift off to sleep.
But then, you won’t believe it.
It was happening again!
The screams and moaning coming from the house next to us cut through the night.
Could we not get away from people having good sex?
And I had met this couple that morning.
They had to be pushing 70!
Enough was enough.

I sat down with Uncle Max that next morning and told him what was going on… about the lack of energy, weight gain, problems at work and absolutely no desire for sex.
I watched men walk by, older than me, carrying lumber to build a roof.

I almost fell over trying to help Uncle Max carry in a couch that morning.

I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Uncle Max could run circles around me. It was embarrassing.

I was glad that Jenny had decided to sleep in.
And then it hit me.
This wasn’t happening just because I was getting older.
I mean, other older people were still getting around just fine. WHY ME?

Then Uncle Max looked me in the eye and said that he once called this...
the Life-Changing Sexual Decline Disease.
Except it affects more than a man’s sex life.
It has infected so many American men over 45 that most doctors assume it’s just another part of the aging process.

But IT’S NOT and ignoring it will only make your problems worse.
It starts with one part of your life and then moves on to the rest.
  • No libido
  • Weight gain
  • A receding hairline
  • Back pain
  • Complete lack of energy
  • A foggy brain
  • Forgetfulness
Wait.. did I forget anything?
I chuckled, but Uncle Max was serious.
“Do you see anyone here with problems like this? Men with no energy? No hair? Flabby bodies? This isn’t something that you just have to accept.”
As usual, my Uncle Max was right.

I mean, they all seemed healthy. AND they seemed happy.
  • So, what was “I” missing?

  • Why couldn’t I get out there and swing a hammer or kick a soccer ball around?

  • And why weren’t those moaning noises coming from MY bedroom?
“You got me, Uncle Max. What is it?
What’s going on around here?”
Max answered, “I’ll tell you, but only if you try it out for yourself.”
Well, that was a no-brainer!
“I can tell you right now what’s at the root of your problem,” he began.

“It can literally create all of your symptoms… such as your low sex drive, your lack of energy, and that little bit of pudge you’re getting around your middle.”
“Let me level with you,” he leaned in closer.

“Did you ever think that this had anything to do with lack of testosterone? Cause if you did, then you’d be right.”
I thought about it.
Testosterone is, all jokes aside,
responsible for a lot of the healthy functions in the male body.
I mean, when a boy hits puberty, that’s really where it all begins, isn’t it?

He gets a hairier chest, his voice deepens, and it’s all because the body starts producing more testosterone.

I mean, your muscles start to grow, and you get that lump in your throat called an Adam’s apple.

Plus, your energy is out the roof! I remember playing football all day on a nice Saturday, ALL DAY.
And once you become a man, it does even more.
It helps the body to become muscular and healthy (when you work out), and it is a key contributor to that full head of hair that you used to have.

And what happens when you have almost unlimited energy and you look great?

That’s right, you actually FEEL great!

You’ll get those second glances from the women at the mall, and when you hit a three-pointer or score the winning touchdown, you can almost feel that testosterone shooting through your body.
Plus, testosterone helps your sperm countand makes sure that your erections are what they should be due to the increase in blood flow… ROCK HARD.

And if you’re wondering about your interest in sex… yeah, that won’t be a problem.

You’ll definitely have that desire to hit the bedroom any time you can.

Which means you’ll also sleep like a baby.
But let’s look at the science of it all.
See, the testosterone in your body raises oxytocin and endorphin levels.

Your partner also picks up on this, and everybody’s happy.
Yet, you know what happens?
As men age, their testosterone begins to decrease in the body.
It’s scary to think that by the time you hit your 40s, you can lose up to 15% of your testosterone.

And you don’t even want to know what happens next!

Within the next 10 years, your testosterone levels will decrease by double that.
Yep, it’s definitely time to get serious about this.
Even though all you’re going to hear from a doctor is that it’s normal.

It happens to everyone when they age.

Well, apparently they haven’t seen these men building this house in this village.

You obviously don’t have to give up.

There’s definitely another option.
In fact, do your testosterone levels HAVE to decrease as you age?
Let’s find out!
In a study, over 300 men’s testosterone levels were tested multiple times.

These men were between the ages of 40 and 97, so there was a great range to draw from.

But you know what?

There was no difference in their testosterone levels...

...Regardless of their age.
So what was actually going on?!
 Well, there’s something that we have to take into consideration.
Most national averages include the entire population, including so many that have this Life-Changing Sexual Decline Disease.
Yet, these 300 plus men weren’t affected by that.

So, what does it tell you?

The medical world just flat out ignored this study.

But you can’t deny its results.

We can now see that everyone who gets older does NOT have low testosterone levels.
They’re not experiencing low energy, a low sex drive or low self confidence.
It’s not happening to EVERYONE!
So what is one thing that could be a factor here?
  • What about a person’s environment?
In fact, an Endocrine Disrupter is a certain type of toxin that could very well be one of the culprits.

These Endocrine Disrupters do exactly that, they disrupt.

To be specific, they can actually send fake messages throughout the entire body.

This can disrupt all sorts of things that we rely on every single day.
And, you guessed it! 
  • This can affect sex.
  • It can affect whether or not you sleep.
  • And it can even affect that dad belly that you’ve been growing.
And these disrupters have made it their mission to sneak into everything that they can.

Plus, there’s over 100,000 man-made versions of these!
So where are they?
 Just about everywhere!
They can be found in health and beauty products that you purchase, in foods that you buy and in pesticides that farmers spray on your fresh produce.

And guess what? They’re even in water.
But how can you avoid them disrupting your life?
First, you are going to need to make a conscious effort to use products and eat foods that don’t contain them.

Next, you need to boost your body’s testosterone levels.
“But how do I do that?” I asked Uncle Max.

“I don’t want to lose my wife.
I just want to be ME again.”
Max shared something with me that he described as nothing short of amazing:
Trigonella foenum-graecum, commonly known as Fenugreek, is an ALL-NATURAL herb from Southern Europe and Western Asia.

It’s been widely used for centuries to boost male energy, desire and raise male hormone levels to new heights

Another incredible advantage of Fenugreek is that it increases insulin release, which can help increase your muscle mass after weight training.
An academic study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research reported that the Fenugreek herbal extract boosted men’s hormonal levels in 82% of men who consumed this dietary supplement during a six-week study.

In addition... another recent study at Texas A&M by professor Richard Kreider, Ph.D., tested Fenugreek on 30 men for 8 weeks.

During this test phase, the study showed conclusively that the total and bioavailable (“free”) male hormonal levels increased by 6.57% and 12.26% respectively, in the subjects taking Fenugreek.

Fenugreek has also been shown to raise your "good" HDL cholesterol while simultaneously lowering your unhealthy triglycerides.
As soon as Jenny and I got home I added the Fenugreek seeds that Uncle Max gave me to my diet.
It didn’t take long to start feeling a difference.
I felt more energy throughout the day... and more motivation.

Even my boss pulled me aside to thank me for putting in more effort and setting an example for the other employees.
I felt better…
but not quite like my old self yet.
I had more energy and motivation... but still not as much as I had when I was younger.

And there was an improvement in the bedroom, but I still couldn’t exactly satisfy Jenny the way I used to.
But at least things weren’t as bad as before.

I mean, things worked out… sometimes.

It definitely wasn’t as bad as before.

But, things still had a long way to go.

Unfortunately, the relationship with my wife still wasn’t completely back to where we
needed it to be.
I still wasn’t the confident, driven man that she married.
Even though I didn’t want to bother him again, since he had moved on to a village somewhere in South America, I just had to reach out to Uncle Max.

Surely, he had to know more.

I mean, at that moment, he was pretty much my only hope.

The connection was fuzzy, but what Uncle Max explained was pretty clear!
“Fenugreek seeds by themselves are enough for many people. Now that you’re back in the U.S., you’ll need a bigger boost of testosterone.

Luckily, I’ve come to find that there are many herbs and other minerals that can supercharge the effects of Fenugreek.

As I’ve traveled all over, a few of the locals showed me what I should be using for more energy and motivation, even for sexual health! I’ve developed my own personal combination over the years of testosterone-boosting ingredients.
These are my secrets for how I’ve been able to keep enjoying an exciting and adventurous life, despite my age.

With my libido-lifting natural miracles, I promise you won’t have to worry anymore about your flagging sexual function due to old age, or lack of sexual desire.

These powerful aphrodisiac nutrients will absolutely alleviate your issues of low sexual libido. As you witnessed with your own eyes already, the results are nothing short of amazing.”
Then Uncle Max really got to the point!
“If you’re wanting to rekindle the old flame with Jenny and experience a rebirth of your sexual desire… a penis expanded with new blood flow… and a size and girth to deliver… you’ll have no problem experiencing nonstop sex throughout the night… along with a newly regained strong body to match.”
Next, Uncle Max gave me his complete secret list of different herbs and minerals known to supercharge the effects of Fenugreek seeds.
Magnesium helps "free up" more usable male hormones and blocks the conversion of these male hormones into estrogen.

It aids in sleep and also lowers anxiety (perhaps by blocking cortisol, the DEATH hormone).

Long healthy sleep and low levels of cortisol are associated with higher levels of your
vital male hormones.
I don’t want to alarm you, but having low levels of this lightweight mineral are linked to BIG problems like anxiety, depression, ADHD, schizophrenia, type 2 diabetes and colon cancer.
Zinc is a “miracle mineral” that's been used for centuries to increase manly mojo, boost energy levels and increase dopamine levels…
Casanova’s Secret
Casanova, the famous 18th-century lover... is said to have eaten 50 oysters a day!

Of course, oysters are well known as a rich source of zinc.

In fact, they contain more zinc than any other food.

It’s not so strange that Casanova, the world’s most famous lover, would have eaten a lot of zinc.
Yet worldwide, as many as 2 billion people are deficient in zinc.

So there’s a good chance you may be deficient, too.

In the U.S., as many as 40% of mature adults are at risk for zinc deficiency.
But you won’t have to eat 50 oysters a day... or worry about what you eat at all.
What I’m about to share gives you all the zinc you need – no matter what you eat.
The Little-Known Action of Aromatase
There’s an enzyme in your body called Aromatase.

You can think of Aromatase as the “girly enzyme,”

Because it goes around turning your manly hormones into womanly estrogen.

When you’re young, the male-to-female hormonal ratio in your body is about 50:1

As you age, it drops down to as little as 10:1.
That means you could have up to 5 times more female hormones in your body right now than you did in your youth!

By increasing your estrogen levels, Aromatase can cause male “desire” problems…

As well as make you grow "man breasts" get fatter and softer, etc.
Now, what zinc does is it deactivates Aromatase, turning it off…
So your man hormones stay man hormones. And your levels of unwanted estrogen don’t climb.
In one study, zinc supplementation almost DOUBLED male chemical levels in older men who were zinc deficient in 6 months.

In the same study, a group of 4 men ages 27 to 28 had their dietary zinc restricted…

Within 20 weeks, their male hormonal levels dropped by almost 73%.

As you can see, there is a very strong relationship between zinc and male hormones.

A relationship that could make a huge difference in your romantic life, energy, mood,
and overall health.
All this keeps your male life force flowing 24/7.
What else is inside Uncle Max’s treasure trove?
Vitamin B6 
Proven to boost male hormone levels and reduce estrogen levels, so no more low energy or "man breasts"…

Now you’ll look good (like a real man) and blast through the day.

Further benefits of Vitamin B6 also include an uptick in your metabolism, tissue repair, cell production, and other important activities.
Vitamin B6 also helps to maintain healthy brain functioning, plays a key role in synthesizing antibodies that are needed to fight various diseases, maintains normal nerve function and assists in nerve cell communication.

Rounding out Uncle Max’s all-natural yet incredibly powerful masculinity boosting ingredient list includes winners such as:
  • Eurycome Longifolia
  • Diindolylmethane (DIM)
  • Piperine
  • Rhodiola Rosea
And finally, he included Piper Nigrum (Black Pepper) for its antioxidant power, plus it aids digestion of proteins, helps you lose weight, helps the body use nutrients more efficiently and it’s a natural antidepressant.

And the best part?
All of Uncle Max’s ingredients amazingly accomplish their healthy results naturally without nasty side effects.
For the first time in a long time,
I felt hope.
With my new knowledge from Uncle Max, I got to work on sourcing and combining all these ingredients into a single pill.
It had to be something easy to swallow... but also bioavailable and super effective.

I became obsessed with making sure that Uncle Max’s ingredients were top-notch, pure, and combined in perfect ratios.

Because either I got this right, or I’d spend the rest of life doing nothing but remembering
how great my life used to be.
I tested different recipes day in, day out, and finally, after countless frustrating hours of trial and error...
...I’d hit jackpot!
It took me about 20 days of taking a daily dose of my new formula to finally feel like a man again.

I was a new man with red-hot fire coursing through my body.

A man who had regained his strength and virility.

A man who regained the confidence that without a doubt I would get rock hard erections on demand and satisfy my wife as if we were teenagers again.

I was now feeling more alive and truly happier than I had been in a very long time.
Then things started happening FAST.
I continued to feed myself the pills daily and at the end of 30 days for the first time in forever...
I felt like I could accomplish anything I wanted.

I started waking up full of energy that stuck with me all day long!

Even better, my motivation for work, my passion for hobbies, and my love for my wife has bounced back stronger than ever!

I was even offered a major promotion at work!
And sure, all this was great for me… but maybe it was even better for Jenny.

I never truly realized how down in the dumps I was.

But now that I’ve climbed out,
I can finally remember how great it feels to feel great!
And now that my testosterone levels are healthy again, shrinking this beer gut  that developed over the years has been a walk in the park!

On top of it all, my hair stopped thinning!
I’m finally feeling like a man, looking like a man, 
and being treated like one too.
End of story? No way.

It’s just the beginning for guys like me and you.
If you’re suffering and embarrassed by this Life-Changing Sexual Decline Disease, I want you to know…
It’s NOT your fault. Why?
Because you’ve been lied to by doctors telling you...
  • There’s nothing you can do about your decreasing levels of testosterone.

  • Losing your hairline, sex drive, and gaining weight is an irreversible process that comes with aging.

  • You may have been told that the sex drive peaks in a man’s early 20’s and then it’s all downhill from there.
I know how frustrating it feels when you have no energy to get things done.

I know how embarrassing and humiliating it is when you can’t get “in the mood” for your wife.

I know...

...because I’ve been there.
And that’s when the lightbulb in my head turned on.
Although I was eternally grateful to Uncle Max for introducing me to his amazing ingredients, it’s just in my nature to want to help as many other men experience exactly what I’ve experienced.

Uncle Max was content with getting the amazing herbs, nutrients and minerals, and sharing them in relatively small batches with the men in his community as he traveled.

They were having too much fun living life to even want to think about going through the trouble of organizing large ingredient quantities and commercializing the process to get his magic formula into the hands of all the men who truly need it.

But it’s truly important to me to give other men like you a new hope.
You can get the very same results that I did.
You’ll feel confident, energized and passionate about life again!

And stay the man your wife deserves in the bedroom.

Up until now, you haven’t seen these results because your body simply hasn’t allowed it.

How do I know?

Because I saw with my own eyes how these secret ingredients helped my uncle’s friends in Honduras.
I was just so excited that this formula was working for me!

But then I thought about the guy at the gym who was complaining about lack of strength lately, and I thought about my friend’s receding hairline.

And then I couldn’t help but think about the numerous men, just like you and me, who can’t satisfy their partners in the bedroom, but couldn’t tell anyone because they were too embarrassed.
So, in the end, I just couldn’t help myself.
I shared it with a few people who I knew sure could use the results.
It wasn’t even a week or two before my phone started ringing.
It was working for them, too!

And they wanted to know how they could get more, and how they could share it with their own friends and family.

I had to come up with a plan on how to share this solution with the world.

After all, who was I to decide who could have more energy, regain their sex lives and get back in shape?
After one more phone call, Uncle Max gave me his blessing to do all I can to share this with as many men who needed it. But there was one problem.

I’d still have to find consistent, legitimate and reliable sources for them all.

I knew that my next step had to be teaming up with a world-class research and development organization named PhytAge Labs with the experience and the global resources to create the quantities I needed.
Other companies and manufacturers out there are profit focused, using the cheapest ingredients and lousy control, so the ratios of those ingredients could be different from bottle to bottle.

Not to mention the fillers and contaminants that might end up in the capsules.

This was a sticking point for me because... much as 95% of other testosterone boosting supplements available today DON’T contain the ingredients they list on their labels.
I wanted to make sure that what I was giving people was bar none, the most effective libido-boosting solution WITHOUT any nasty side effects.

It’s expensive and time-consuming to get certified... but PhytAge Labs was the best way to guarantee the highest quality product..
I’ve named my all-natural, life-changing formula...
Testo 911.
Just about everyone who’s tried it keeps asking for more because they never want to have to deal with declining testosterone levels and a return to an average (or below average) life ever again.
But here’s the catch…
Because Testo 911 is becoming extremely popular across the country, demand has been stretching our production thin, especially since it takes up to three MONTHS to custom-make each batch.

And because prevention is better than cure, younger men who don’t yet have severely depleted testosterone levels are also asking for this stuff, just to make sure that they’re always performing to the best of their abilities.

But I also don’t want to let anyone suffer like I did from the embarrassment of a balding head, tummy flab, depleted strength or being on the brink of a ruined marriage.
So I’m about to share a way to get your hands on a bottle of Testo 911 as part of our...
‘Men’s Secret Weapon Program’.
So here it is: you’ll want to take two capsules each day for at least 30 days.

While the ingredients get to work almost immediately, you’ll still have to deal with the long-term buildup of toxins and inflammation that have been contributing to your declining testosterone.

So it’s important that you get rid of every trace of these silent killers by taking Testo 911 as ordered.
All the stuff I shared about feeling like a weak little wimp with no strength, energy, stamina, or the ability to hold an erection?
Those are signs that the testosterone depleting inflammation and toxins built up inside your body for too long and you’re facing an even bigger problem than what you’re seeing on the surface.
That’s why it’s so important that you take Testo 911 for at least 30 days as ordered, even after you’ve started to see the clear signs of getting your “Mojo” back.

Doctors recommend choosing at least FOUR bottles of Testo 911 if you want to be on your way to being completely clear of testosterone killing toxins by taking it for 120+ days.
This is important because these testosterone killers are everywhere and we’re never really done fighting against them, which makes it critical to use Testo 911 to protect yourself.
Men in the U.S. that are suffering from low-energy, loss of muscle, loss of sexual appetite, thinning hair and lost confidence are all checking out this website from family, friends…

…and the very few health experts willing to stand up against Big Pharma, whose executives would like nothing more than to have you endlessly spend money on their pills that don’t work, rather than see you get your sexual energy and masculine drive back.
Brace yourself because you’re about to feel your energy skyrocket.
Say goodbye to thinning hair and weight gain. And finally regain your sex life.
That’s what happened to not just me, but plenty of other men too.
That’s what happened with Carl T., age 58 who wrote me to say:
“As busy as I was for so long, I almost didn’t even notice my health deteriorating on me until what I thought was too late. I knew if there was any chance, I would have to act as soon as possible.

After giving Testo 911 a shot, I almost forgot what true confidence felt like until my partner was enthusiastically praising my performance in the bedroom again. 
It truly feels like our honeymoon again.
I have Testo 911 to thank for saving my marriage, maybe even my life!”
Also Tony R., age 48 who told me:
“It’s almost embarrassing to say now, but I thought I would never get over my performance anxiety. I was seriously worried my sex life might’ve been over. I continued to gain weight and I had zero knowledge on how to reverse it.

After reading your presentation, of course, I had my doubts, but I had nothing else to lose. So ‘what the hell’ I thought…

All I can say now is I’m glad I took a chance! I now have enough energy for not only my work, but equally important for my play!
I no longer worry if I’m able to satisfy my wife - I know I always will. Every time.
Thanks to Testo 911.”
And with Jeffrey H., age 65 who said:
“I remember feeling tired and sluggish every day. I thought maybe that was why I never felt the same sex drive I did as a young man.

I lost all desire to workout or exercise, and that affected my confidence to a point I didn’t even want to hang out with friends or family on the weekends anymore.

I saw the ad for Testo 911 and I thought to myself... ‘with a money-back guarantee, I’ll just return it if it doesn’t work.’
Since using this product, my energy and stamina has tripled! I feel more alive and like a man again.
I even checked in with my doctor and the test results proved that my testosterone levels had increased! I’ve had energy for the gym, became more involved in the community, and I also enjoy tagging along with my wife to local events.

In bed, we’re like teenagers again. It’s awesome!”
Just to let you know, you can only get Testo 911 on this website...
 ...while I’m still in business.
I’m fighting a war with Big Pharma every single day, facing about a dozen potential injunctions from pharmaceutical lawyers who’ve got me marked for business death.
They don’t want you to know that I have a 100% natural testosterone boosting solution that they can’t put a patent on.

Now I don’t plan on letting them win.

But at the same time, I also don’t want to have you waiting to take your life back with Testo 911.
This isn’t just about the short-term quick fix that so many ultra-caffeinated energy boosters are good at.
It’s also great for long-term health because of how it supercharges your cardiovascular system and multiple other critical functions of your body.

The all-natural herbs and minerals found in our Testo 911 formula deliver a huge benefit over the pharmaceutical shots, creams, and patches.

And you won’t risk the side effects associated with the prescription drugs pushed by mainstream medicine designed to keep you dependent & coming back for more.

These supernatural herbs and minerals when combined – make the most powerful all-natural low testosterone booster available on the market.
Are you ready to get back in the game?
With each dose of Testo 911 Testosterone Booster you can turn your half-mast penis into a rigid flagstaff within hours.

You COULD try other options, but besides the nasty side effects that you’ll go through, like potential liver damage and heart palpitations, they also cost at least $1900 per year!
Injections from the doctor aren’t any better.

Not only do they become insanely expensive, but all they do is put you on a cycle of dependence, and the moment you stop getting these injections, all of the benefits stop!

In fact, ALL of these treatments practically guarantee that you’ll still be stuck with your low-T levels... 
...only now you’ll also have a burning hole in your wallet and no results to show for it!
It’s because of this many believe that $120 is a more than fair price for Testo 911.
You’d be paying way more for doctor visits, topicals, injections... and oral medications over a year.

And unlike those other options that treat a surface-level issue, Testo 911 gets you more excited about life, restores your confidence and allows you to satisfy your partner by eliminating testosterone killing toxins from the inside out!
Now I COULD use that money for my legal bills. Fighting Big Pharma gets expensive and they’re doing everything in their power to shut me down.
But I’m not here to make more money than I really need.
I’m here to help men heal themselves, just like me, my Uncle Max, his friends, and my friends have already experienced.
I can't stand the thought of anyone suffering needlessly for one more second than they need to... plus the frustration, foggy thinking and exhaustion that become by-products of a life all-consumed with a loss of strength, hair loss, belly fat that won’t go away, and the daily disappointment that you and your partner feel when you can’t perform your manly duties.
The SHOCKING PART is that Testo 911 is the most AFFORDABLE and EFFECTIVE option you’ll find on the planet!
Is gaining a newfound confidence, more youthful energy, feeling and looking younger, getting rock hard erections and regaining your joy of life and sanity worth a couple of hundred dollars to you?

It was for me. I paid much more looking for this very solution for me without thinking twice.

I realized...
...that having a body in-balance, having a revitalized sex life, and having an unflappable confidence
We both know that there’s no price that can be put on your health and happiness.
Still, I want to offer you a deal I’ll NEVER be able to offer you again…

This is YOUR LIFE we’re talking about.

So we’re cutting into our own profits to give you the lowest price possible.

And we’re happy to do it because we know what a life changer this will be.
My partnership here with PhytAge Labs allows me to do this.
If you tried to get your hands on all the ingredients in a single bottle of Testo 911 separately, you’d pay well over $120, but since you’ve made the cut into our special VIP Group…
You won’t pay $120.00
You won’t even pay $99.95
Not even $79.95
Nope, you don’t pay any of those prices…
When you take action right now, you'll get your hands on a full bottle of Testo 911 in this special  VIP Offer…
For ONLY $69.95
That's a savings of over $50 off the regular price...
...and comes to only a fraction more than 1 dollar per pill!
That's less than one-quarter of the price of the competition for the top-rated testosterone supplements available in the world.
Do you think that walking around in a completely exhausted and depleted state is something you’d like to overcome?

How about stopping the embarrassment of your sexual performance, your beer gut, and all your anxieties and worries.

Plus gain increased energy and focus, reduce inflammation, get a better quality of life, improved work performance (and maintain your sanity).
That’s all very well worth a couple of bucks per day, no?
And you’ll get all these benefits for LESS money?
Today is a special day that may very well change the rest of your life.

If you act right away and reserve four bottles of Testo 911, you'll have a spot in the PhytAge Lab’s Private Test Group which entitles you to our VIP Pricing... only $49.95 Per Bottle!
That's more than ½ OFF…
A savings of over $70 Per Bottle.
Why would I ask for such a drastic price discount for you?
In our pursuit to push the boundaries of our research, we need people to share their real results with us…

Specifically, the ever-increasing benefits that begin to start when you’ve been using Testo 911 for 30 Days or MORE.

As a result of that goal, we’ve instructed the lab to set aside an entire supply of Testo 911 so that YOU can share YOUR success stories with us...
...and our team of scientists will have a growing body of evidence to show the long term properties of this amazing product!
What will you feel like 4 to 6 weeks from now?
You’ll begin to FEEL and SEE the difference, guaranteed!
Life is short and before you know it, four weeks will come and go - whether you like it or not. 

But in 4 weeks' time, you could either have begun to pump these critical nutrients through your body – helping you to ease away your physical and mental anxiety… plus quickly overcome the pain and despair of not being able to satisfy your partner and the toll it takes on your relationship.

Or you can continue to have your same current level of exasperation and lackluster energy that comes from your body giving up on you.
Think about it like this:
At $69.95, you’re paying only $2.33 per day over the next 30 days!
Yes, that truly is less than the price of a Starbucks Coffee!

And you save even more if you opt for our VIP multi-bottle pricing at $49.95!
By now I'm sure you're ready to experience the youthful energy and libido-rejuvenation power of Testo 911.
But we’re going to make you a deal now that you can’t pass up.
​​​​We’re going to let you TRY Testo 911 for a FULL 3 MONTHS and if for ANY REASON you’re not fully delighted with the results, simply contact us...
...for a full refund.
Guaranteed to work – or you PAY NOTHING!
I want this decision to be as easy for you as possible, so I’m going to take on all of the risks myself.
This either works to get you…
  • More excited about life.
  • Stronger erections.
  • More confidence.
  • Feeling and looking younger.
  • Building muscle and burning fat.
  • Reversing hair loss. 
Or, you get all your money back.
No questions asked.
That’s right...

We’ll send your supply right now...

...and if at any time over the next 90 days you decide it’s just not working for you, just contact us for a FULL REFUND

We can’t make this deal much better than that, don’t you agree?
Testo 911 works fast and skips all the extra work so you DON’T have to :
  • Exercise for hours daily.
  • Spend thousands of dollars on any plastic surgeries.
  • Pop ED pills that are known to come with other scary side effects.
And if it's all not exactly how I say it is? We’ll simply give you your money back…
I don’t want to waste any of your precious time... we’ll do something absolutely crazy…
Not only will you get all your money back, but we’ll also give you an additional $100 just for giving it an honest try! (No joke.)
I know it sounds like we’ve lost our minds, but we’re not kidding around.

If you’re not happy with it for any reason at all…. We’ll give you every single penny back.

PLUS another $100... Even if you use the entire bottle.
That’s how confident we are that our solution works.
PhytAge Labs is trusted by over 800,000 customers around the globe.
And we have a reputation for being obsessive when it comes to quality control and testing.
Each of our products is made in a Good Manufacturing Practices facility, has been certified by GMP for quality and sanitation, and is regularly tested for potency by the FDA.

We believe that it’s extremely important to make sure that each bottle of Testo 911 has exactly what it says on the label. No more. No less.
It’s pretty standard for us to dip into our own profits to ensure the quality of every bottle.

So if you take charge of your manhood right now and take advantage of our ‘Men’s Secret Weapon Program’ can hop on board with the 12,984 other former Low-T victims and get Testo 911 for just $69.95 per bottle.

Or as low as only $49.95 per bottle with the VIP multi-bottle discount.

You’ll be surprised by how fast your body begins flushing out the toxins that are terrible for your health, terrible for your testosterone… and terrible for your libido.
Before Uncle Max’s discovery, this life-altering list of ingredients was exclusive to only the wealthy and Hollywood celebrities who were willing to pay thousands of dollars for this kind of knowledge.
  • Just imagine what it would do for each part of your life by having that extra burst of ambition.

  • Imagine the confidence you’ll bring into the bedroom with a rock hard erection almost bursting through the seams of your pants.

  • And best of all, you’ll look in the mirror and you’re gonna see the man that you know you were capable of your whole life.
The man of power,
confidence, and purpose.
Choose your discount package deal below right now and immediately fill out our safe and secure encrypted checkout form with your details.

And thanks to our encrypted merchant account that rivals HIGH-LEVEL security websites like Walmart and use… your info will be completely safe.

Get excited because in 5 short business days, your life will never be the same as Testo 911 will arrive right there on your doorstep.
Go ahead, click below right now...
...and take back your God-given right and watch your sexual energy and masculine drive spring back into life again.
Give the woman in your life the gift she deserves.
A man of confidence.
The new you.
Now your marriage can be the happiest and most adventurous it’s been in years!

And hey, if you’re not married and looking for a new partner, this will give you the confidence to attract the woman of your dreams.

You’ll inevitably notice the results in less than weeks of enjoying Testo 911.
That’s why I highly recommend the VIP 4-bottle option for long-term results and supercharging your body to protect it for many years to come.

If you want to say good-bye to the days when you’re embarrassed about your sexual performance, and now say hello to having to apologize to the neighbors for keeping them up all night from the screams of ecstasy coming from your room...

And where it used to be you thought there was a point of no return from the beer gut you developed over the years... now you’re in the best shape you’ve been in 20 years!
You have the final solution you’ll ever need as a man right before your eyes now!
Regardless of your selection, your entire purchase is protected by our EXCLUSIVE MONEY BACK GUARANTEE + $100. Created ONLY for those who take advantage of my special offer!
If this isn’t a WIN/WIN, I don’t know what is…
If you’re not waking up every morning overwhelmed with a sense of strength and confidence from the powerful results of Testo 911 and don’t feel a difference throughout your days and nights…

Send us an email and I’ll refund you every penny immediately PLUS $100. No questions asked.
Join the ranks of our 1000’s of existing customers so you too can brag about how this miracle solution changed your life.
The war on men is at an all-time high.

Modern society is doing all it can to rob you of anything making you more manly and masculine, hence they are now referring to it as ‘toxic.’

With that said... we’re not sure how much longer this offer will be available and especially at the price it is now.
This could be the decision that changes your life!
OR... This could still be the moment you decided to settle with the cards you’ve been dealt with, which is risky... considering you’re all in on the one and only life you’re granted.

Why not give yourself this BIG ADVANTAGE? Make things EASIER!
Click The "Add To Cart" button below.
After helping thousands of people, I know this first step is the most important.
Studies are now showing that continuing to live with inflammation and toxins inhibiting your body over the years can lead to more severe long-term complications if not taken care of.
We’re talking about serious complications like permanent foggy thinking, permanent loss of desire...

...and even shutting your heart, lungs and other critical organs down.

It’s pretty terrifying to know that all this can lead you down a road of ruined relationships, loss of the enjoyment of life, and a deep depression.
But let’s not even think about that…
Instead, just take a moment to visualize yourself completely free from your physical and emotional prison.
  • What would you do?
  • How would you feel about yourself?
Well, that’s why we created Testo 911
To give you back the life you’ve been missing out on.
All you need to do is click the “Add to Cart” button to confidently try Testo 911 for yourself.
  • “How does Testo 911 work again?”
It helps support your body’s natural detoxification process and helps maintain a non-inflamed state in your cells.

Testo 911 offers a revolutionary way to protect yourself from environmental toxins. It helps your body protect against common pesticides in our food that damage testosterone levels.

Remember inflammation contributes to declining testosterone. Taking control of your inflammation can also help protect you.
The vitamins, herbs, and nutrients help reduce inflammation in your body.
Testo 911 works by increasing your levels of “tight junction proteins” holding your cells together. And that healthy, non-inflamed state helps protect your testosterone levels.
  • “Can I take Testo 911 even if I have allergies or if I’m taking other supplements?”
Yes. In fact, since these 100% natural ingredients have been proven to provide healthy testosterone levels.

After 3-6 months on Testo 911, you’ll join thousands of men just like you who now have more energy, better sleep, and reduced depression and stress.

Men are loving their results and experiencing success in all areas of their life because they simply made the choice to.
  • “How many bottles should I order?”
We recommend ordering the largest amount possible so that you get more savings.

Plus with such limited supplies, ordering more will ensure that you don’t miss out if we’re out of stock.

Testo 911 has a shelf life of 2 years so you don’t have to worry about them going bad if you claim multiple bottles.
What you’re experiencing right now is from decades of damage gone untreated.
Calming your raging inflammation and eliminating all the toxins from your body isn't going to happen overnight.

It will take time, as natural solutions always do.

Even after Testo 911 gives you back your life and manhood, you'll want to continue giving your body a steady supply of these essential nutrients so you’ll never again be ashamed of the man you see every day in the mirror...

...or continue to suffer from stage fright in the bedroom.

After six months, most men will have repaired their body, made their partners proud of the new man they’re with, and will have won back the respect you deserve as a man.
If you’re wondering if Testo 911 is right for you then I encourage you to try it out for yourself.
With our 90-day, Triple Money-Back Guarantee
you can see if you like it for absolutely no risk:
GUARANTEE #1: The Quality – Testo 911 is guaranteed to contain the missing herbs, extracts, nutrients and everything you need in the purest form possible, sourced ONLY from the most pristine environments around the world.

GUARANTEE #2: The Source - The entire process behind sourcing, purifying, bottling, and shipping your Testo 911 capsules is guaranteed to be carried out under our exacting quality standards with absolutely no compromise, from beginning to end.
GUARANTEE #3: Your Complete Satisfaction - we stand behind each bottle 100%. That's why you have a full 90 days to try Testo 911 and put it to the test yourself.
You’ve got nothing to lose.
But everything to gain.
If for any reason you are not 100% thrilled with results you can see, feel, and test with your doctor...

...simply contact our world-class customer support team at PhytAge Labs and we will promptly issue you a refund - no questions asked, no hassles, and absolutely no hard feelings.

AND… we’ll give you an additional $100 on top of that just for giving it an honest try!
Men across the country are getting their lives back.

So now it’s your turn to make an important decision for yourself. Now is the time to act.

All your embarrassment, all your anxiety, all your worries can be cured with a single click of a button. You can do something about it once and for all.
So click the button below right now... reclaim your manhood and feel 17 again!
The sad reality is if you decide to do nothing, then you’ll be stuck right where you are right now.. and soon it will be even worse.

Aren’t you the kind of man who wants to succeed in all areas of your life, too? You wouldn’t still be here otherwise.

So trust your gut, and trust your instinct.

You know you deserve this.
20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did.

So click the link below and join us right now.
Your future self is thanking you already.
You’re just one click away from the new you,  and time is running out.
Friend, your body is the most important thing you'll ever own...
...and right now your physical and mental health are quickly slipping through your fingertips.
This is your chance to grab hold before it's too late.

But time is running out.

I can only fight a multi-billion dollar industry for so long.

So please, for the sake of you and your family, jump on this 100% risk-free opportunity while you still can before this site is shut down for good.
Secure my bottles now.
By placing your order, you'll be GRANDFATHERED into this exclusive price for life.

That means you’ll NEVER pay retail for any of your bottles - no matter how much the price goes up (and they WILL go up soon).
You’ll get all this - at the lowest price possible -  ONLY if you act today
It’s a sad fact of life that most people wait too long to act and if something like this runs its course on your body, I’m afraid of what’s to come.
I’m seriously not trying to scare you or get morbid, but you deserve better than to be a
victim to all this.

I want you to be able to take your mojo back…

...and I want you to be able to do it at a much lower price than what it’ll cost to go to the doctor and get hooked on treatments that will only give you a temporary fix.
At just $69.95 per bottle… or $49.95 per bottle when you get proactive and scoop up 4 bottles knowing you’ll finally have some FIRE in your body while you're getting the highest quality and best deal... with zero risks whatsoever.

Starting RIGHT NOW TODAY you can have peace of mind knowing you're supplying your body with the nutrients you need to come roaring back to a life worth living.
Take action today for not just tomorrow, but for the rest of your life!
You deserve it.
I trust you’ll make the right decision for yourself.

So you can enjoy your days… and your nights.
  • Have better focus and concentration…
  • No more trouble with your erections…
  • No more losing steam before you can really get going…
  • No more anxiety and irritability…
  • No more beer gut (even though you haven’t drunk a beer in years).
Cast your doubts aside.
You have the full 90-Day guarantee at your back.
If you want your chance at taking your life back you’ll have to act now.
It's your decision, but this is your last chance. 
And I'm looking forward to your personal success letter.

It’s time to secure your quality of life, your health and your sanity.
Click the "Add to Cart" button now to select which package of Testo 911 is right for you.
Thank you so much for reading this presentation and God Bless.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and any likeness to any individual (living or dead) mentioned in the above content is entirely coincidental. This is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

Click here to find evidence of a test, analysis, research, or study describing the benefits, performance or efficacy of our ingredients based on the expertise of relevant professionals.

© 2025 PhytAge Laboratories